Greg Walker Santana Say It Again

Shari Walker is i of the main characters in Say Cheese and Die! and Say Cheese and Die — Again!, every bit well as their corresponding television adaptations. She is likewise one of the best friends of Greg Banks.


  • 1 History
    • Say Cheese and Dice!
    • one.2 Say Cheese and Die — Again!
  • 2 General information
    • ii.1 Personality
    • ii.2 Physical advent
  • three Appearances
    • 3.i Books
    • 3.2 Idiot box and film
  • four Gallery
  • five Trivia


Say Cheese and Die!

Shari and her iii friends, Greg, Bird Arthur and Michael Warner, were hanging out in Greg's driveway, trying to think of what to do for fun. Michael suggested that they tin explore the Coffman House, but so Greg reminded them of the man hanging out in the house known as Spidey. Simply Shari and the others had Greg out-voted and they went into the house to explore. In the house, Greg came over with a photographic camera that he plant and took a picture of Michael posing on the stairs. But before any of them could look at the developing photo, the railing broke and Michael roughshod and injure his ankle. When they looked at the picture, information technology showed him falling, even though he wasn't falling when they took it.

More bad things started to happen with the pictures it took, only Shari dismissed equally merely the camera being cleaved. She even asked him to bring it to her birthday party, although Greg didn't desire to. Shari asked Greg to have her photo first, since it was her birthday. Greg hesitantly did and then and they saw the Shari was non in the photo. Before long after, she vanished.

Shari stays missing for a couple of days, with everyone, especially her parents and Greg, very upset near her sudden disappearance. Merely then, she all of a sudden reappeared in front of her house soon after Greg ripped up the photo. They met up and decided they had to take the camera back to the Coffman house.

The next mean solar day, Shari and Greg went to the Coffman Firm with the camera, hoping to just put the camera back and go home. They do so only before they can, Dr. Fritz Fredericks appeared and explained that he used to be partners with the creator of the camera but he cursed it after Fritz tried to steal it. He wanted to finish anyone from using the camera'due south evil powers again. He told the kids he was going to keep them in the house considering they know too much.

During a scuffle, Shari accidentally took a picture of him with the camera and this killed him, as he died of fright. They left and called the police, telling them they found Spidey was dead when they got at that place.

Say Cheese and Die — Over again!

Shari in Say Cheese and Die — Once more!.

At schoolhouse, Shari, Bird and Michael were assigned to Miss Folsom'due south grade, while Greg was stuck with the grumpy instructor, Mr. Saur. 1 day, Shari and her friends were having lunch together, when Greg miserably told them that Mr. Saur was giving him an "F" because Greg wrote most the events with the Evil Camera in his consignment on telling a truthful story and he thought what Greg wrote was dizzy. Shari and the others offered to tell Mr. Saur nigh it in club for him to believe Greg, but Greg declined saying that he won't believe them either, and that he has to bring in the Evil Camera to prove to Mr. Saur that his story is truthful. Shari, Bird and Michael objected, remembering past incidents with the Camera merely Greg insisted that he has to become it and asked if anyone volition go with him, which they refused and Shari insisted that something horrible will happen if he took the Photographic camera to school.

The side by side morning time, Shari was spying on Greg to run into if he was crazy enough to get the Photographic camera. She caught up with him and was astounded to see that he had taken the Camera from the Coffman Business firm and told him that she had been spying on him considering she couldn't let him take the Camera to school. Greg scoffed at this and told Shari that she can't tell him what to do, and told her that he won't be taking any pictures but he also has one of a boy named Jon that he met with a carpenter'due south nail through his pes as proof, which Shari was sickened at. She attempted to persuade Greg to accept the Camera back, and tried to take information technology from him, only for a photo of her to be taken. Shari was horrified, fearing that she will disappear once again. Simply the photo turned out to exist a negative, with Greg and Shari thinking it is broken. Then Shari took a photo of Greg every bit a joke, and it was a photo of him weighing four hundred pounds.

Greg shortly become obese while Shari started to get thinner. It got to the point where she could barely fit into her clothes, and she started to feel similar skin and bones. Greg suggested to take new photos of themselves to cure them. Shari wasn't so sure as it will peradventure make things worse, merely seeing there was no other way, she agreed. So Shari took a photograph of Greg, only to accept him even so fat and red scales peeling off his trunk. Shari then decided to rip the pictures and then Greg told her that if they do, they might disappear completely. Shari assured Greg that they will come up with something to save themselves and they just accept to think positive. This gave Greg an idea and together, the ii friends went to Kramer's, a photo store where Terry worked. In that location, Greg handed Terry the negative of Shari and the positive of him being fatty and opposite them, meaning to take the negative and make a positive of it and take the positive and make a negative.

This worked and they returned to normal. However, Greg took the camera the schoolhouse the next day in society to get revenge on Saur, despite her wishes. Mr. Saur would afterwards take a picture of the whole class with the camera.

Full general information


Shari is a tomboyish daughter who likes to have fun and take a good laugh with her friends. She likes to make jokes and is always laughing at Bird's jokes, though there has been moments where he went to far, prompting Shari to call him Doug when she is upset with him. She can also be pretty persuasive and has a trend to make the others do something that they really don't desire to do (Bird sometimes an exception on this). Shari tin be existent fascinated past even little things, but she has a trend to be disgusted if they were no good. She has a tiny trounce on Terry, merely she has the biggest relationship with Greg (since they live next door to each other and their parents are all-time friends), and ofttimes tries to assistance him out of his endeavors.

Physical appearance

Shari is thirteen years onetime, Caucasian, tall and sparse with crimped black pilus.



  • Goosebumps
    • Say Cheese and Die!
    • Say Cheese and Die — Over again!
  • Classic Goosebumps
    • Say Cheese and Dice!

Television and movie

  • Boob tube series:
    • Season i - "Say Cheese and Dice"
    • Season 3 - "Say Cheese and Die... Once again"



  • Shari is one of four protagonists to be played by two unlike actors in the telly series.


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