Movie Meeting Again After Prom in Foreign Country

Formal trip the light fantastic or gathering of students at the end of the high school academic year

Close-upwards of the corsages

Decorating for prom, students put finishing touches on a ballroom at a banquet hall

A promenade trip the light fantastic toe,[1] [2] usually called a prom, is a dance political party for high school students. Information technology may be offered in semi-formal blackness necktie or informal suit for boys, and evening gowns for girls. This event is typically held almost the end of the schoolhouse year. There may be individual junior (11th class) and senior (12th form) proms or they may be combined.

At a prom, a "prom rex" and a "prom queen" may be revealed. These are honorary titles awarded to students elected in a school-wide vote prior to the prom.[3] Other students may be honored with inclusion in a prom court. The selection method for a prom courtroom is like to that of homecoming queen/princess, king/prince, and courtroom. Inclusion in a prom court may exist a reflection of popularity of those students elected and their level of participation in school activities, such as clubs or sports.[4] [5] The prom queen and prom king may exist given crowns to article of clothing. Members of the prom court may exist given sashes to vesture and photographed together.[6]

Like events, which may be locally inspired past debutante balls, have place in many other parts of the world. In Canada, the terms "formal" and "Grad" are often used, while in Commonwealth of australia and New Zealand, the terms school formal and brawl are most normally used for occasions equivalent to the American prom, and the event is usually held for students in Yr 12, although the bestowing of the regal titles does not occur. Many schools concord a formal graduation ball for finishing students at the end of the year in place of or as well every bit a formal. In Ireland, a debutante ball or debs may too be held. In Poland, high schools organize a "studniówka". The term "prom" is condign more common in the United Kingdom and Canada because of the influence of American films and television receiver shows, such every bit Grease. In South Africa this event is widely known as a matric trip the light fantastic equally students in their twelfth yr of school are called matric students.

Variation exists betwixt different dialects with regard to whether prom is used with the definite article or not—due east.g., whether one says "go to the prom" or "become to prom".[7]

In the United States [edit]

History [edit]

In the early days of high school proms, the nighttime dance served a function like to a debutante brawl. Early proms were times of firsts: the first adult social effect for teenagers; the first fourth dimension taking the family car out later on dark; the first real wearing apparel-up affair; and then along. Proms too served every bit a heavily documented occasion, similar to a milestone issue such as first communion or a wedding, in which the participants were taking an important step into a new phase in their lives. In before days, the prom may accept also served every bit an announcement of engagement for the 'best couple' subsequently the prom court had been crowned and recognized.[eight]

Portrait of a couple at a high school senior prom in 1956

While high schoolhouse yearbooks did non start covering proms and including prom pictures until the 1930s and 1940s, historians, including Meghan Bretz, believe proms may accept existed at colleges equally early as the belatedly 19th century. The periodical of a male educatee at Amherst College in 1894 recounts an invitation and trip to an early prom at neighboring Smith College for women. The word prom at that time may just accept been a fancy clarification for an ordinary junior or senior class dance, but prom soon took on larger-than-life meaning for high school students.[ix]

Proms worked their way downwards incrementally from college gatherings to high schoolhouse extravaganzas. In the early 20th century, prom was a simple tea dance where loftier school seniors wore their Sunday all-time. In the 1920s and 1930s, prom expanded into an annual class feast where students wore party clothes and danced afterward. Every bit Americans gained more than coin and leisure time in the 1950s, proms became more than extravagant and elaborate, bearing similarity to today's proms. The loftier school gym may have been an acceptable setting for sophomore dances, just inferior prom and senior balls gradually moved to hotel ballrooms and country clubs. Competition blossomed, equally teens strove to have the best wearing apparel, the best mode of transportation, and the best looking date. Competition for the prom courtroom as well intensified, as the designation of prom queen became an important distinction of popularity. In a mode, prom became the meridian outcome of a high school student's social life.

Today, prom continues to be a notable consequence in the social climate of loftier schools. Pop movies and novels adjure to the importance of prom themes, prom dates, and prom queens. In some areas, the traditions of prom are not as rigid as they used to be, with many students attending as individuals or in groups instead of every bit couples. In 1975 U.Southward. First Daughter Susan Ford held her prom in the East Room of the White Business firm.[10]

Attire [edit]

Traditionally, boys dress in black or white formal wear, frequently tuxedos regardless of the time of the event, sometimes paired with ties or bow ties with vests, in some cases in colors matching their date'south apparel.

Traditionally, girls clothing dresses or evening gowns and beautify themselves with ladies' jewelry such every bit earrings and a necklace. Traditionally, girls vesture perfume, and make-up such as eyeshadow, lipstick, mascara, and blush. Girls also traditionally habiliment a corsage, given to them past their dates, and girls requite boys matching boutonnières to be worn on their lapels.

Promposals [edit]

Prom dates pose for a photograph, 1997

A "promposal" (a portmanteau of "prom" and "proposal") is a popular pre-prom tradition where a student asks some other to go to the prom with them using some (usually elaborate) method and actress fanfare. A promposal is distinct from the normal prom ask, which typically includes the question, "Volition you go to prom with me?" without additional spectacle. Promposals may include concepts and materials from posters, confetti, and balloons to the more viral, elaborate plans that give promposals their improvident reputation. Examples include spelling "Prom?" with pepperoni on pizza,[11] organizing a wink mob,[12] wearing a fursuit,[13] graffitiing national park land,[fourteen] and using a gasbag airship.[15] Promposals, due to their flashy nature, frequently include a social media attribute like livestreaming, taking and posting videos, and other forms of memorializing on social media platforms.[16]

Logistics and traditions [edit]

Prom attendees may be limited by their schools to be juniors or seniors and guests under age 21.[17] [18] Before prom, girls typically get their hair styled, often in groups as a social activity at a salon. Prom couples then assemble at a park, garden, or their own and their dates' houses for unmarried and group photographs. Prom attendees may rent limousines[nineteen] or party buses[20] to transport groups of friends from their homes to the prom venue. Some schools host their proms at hotel ballrooms, feast halls, or other venues where weddings typically take identify. The dance itself may have a band or DJ. At prom, a repast may be served.

Some high schools permit only the graduating class (seniors) to have a prom. Some schools as well let grade eleven (juniors) to take a prom, and in some cases, there is a combined inferior/senior prom. Some American high schools that do non allow school-sponsored dances will host a junior/senior prom as a banquet instead of a dance. Typically, students still dress in formal attire and nourish equally couples. In recent years, American teens have started asking celebrities or famous models to their proms.[21] [22]

Mail-prom [edit]

Afterward the prom, parents or a customs may host a prom after-party,[23] afterglow or postal service-prom [24] [25] at a eating place, entertainment venue, or a educatee's dwelling house. Other traditions often include trips to nearby attractions, such as amusement parks, regional or local parks, or holiday houses. Some of these mail-prom events are chaperoned[26] and some are unsupervised. Many post-proms (after-prom events) are at the school, and involve bringing entertainment such as interactive games, artists, and other entertainers to the schoolhouse, as a means to deter inappropriate behaviors.

In the United Kingdom [edit]

Students and their parents in the prom nighttime

In the Uk prior to the 2000s, many secondary schools would hold events such as a summer ball to celebrate the end of term or a leavers ball to celebrate the end of schooling, but usually, these did non take the cultural or social significance of Us-mode proms.[ citation needed ]

In the 1970s, schoolhouse discos had been another tradition of semi-formal events being held at various times of the year, in particular during the Christmas catamenia, although not all secondary schools would permit such events.[ citation needed ]

During the 2000s, schoolhouse proms became common at UK schools, apparently due to the influence of US TV shows.[27] The Daily Telegraph reported in 2012 that:[28]

elaborate 'passing out' celebrations for Yr 11 students (anile fifteen–16) and Twelvemonth 12 (aged 17–xviii) have get a cultural phenomenon, stoking passions and rivalries, and refashioning the sense of what a school political party should exist. More than 85 percent of schools in Britain hold schoolhouse Proms, which range from no-frills dinners in school halls to tailor-made extravaganzas in five-star hotels with such extras as water ice- cream vans and photo booths.

Schools in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland predominantly concur their prom, or schoolhouse formal, at the end of secondary education in yr 11 (ages 15/16) and the end of sixth form (aged 18).[ commendation needed ]

In Scotland, it is usually only held at the terminate of S6 (ages 17/eighteen) because all high schools in Scotland have pupils up to historic period 18 years, whereas elsewhere in the Uk, many students have to go to college to study for A-Levels. Proms are normally held in June, after the end of yr exams, although in Northern Ireland, they are usually held in the winter near the outset of the schoolhouse year. At Scottish formal events, boys usually wear kilts (kilts are also often seen in the other Celtic regions) and Highland dress outfitters frequently sell out in an area around this fourth dimension of yr due to demand from schoolhouse events. Also in Scotland, it is customary for traditional Scottish country dancing (part of the curriculum of all secondary schools) to exist included.[ citation needed ]


Africa [edit]

In Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda, Ghana, and Tanzania most individual schools with expatriates take proms or "finish of year socials".

Arab republic of egypt [edit]

In Arab republic of egypt, private schools have proms similar to ones held in the United States but with slight differences. The prom is held for a maximum of 3 hours, where teachers attend and enjoy some time with their students. Then there is the "afterward-prom", where no teachers or parents are immune, during that fourth dimension, the existent party begins with all the students dancing and enjoying their time. The afterwards-prom can go on to 4 am and v am. In some places, there is no mingling of males and females due to adherence to the Islamic codes.[29]

South Africa [edit]

In Southward Africa, the equivalent of the American prom is the Matric Trip the light fantastic, taking place during the matriculation (i.e., terminal) yr of high schoolhouse (12th grade). It takes identify towards the cease of the third quarter, soon before the spring break, subsequently which the matriculation examinations commence. It usually takes the grade of a formal dinner and trip the light fantastic. In most schools, the 11th-grade class is responsible for arranging the event. Sometimes teachers and parents also attend.

The Matric Dance has become one of the most popular occasions on the South African social agenda, but not without much controversy for its cost that, information technology is said, "could be as much equally some people's weddings". The magazine proverb this elaborates: "Many parents will be torn between wanting to spoil their youngsters and wanting to resist the extravagance of handing over thousands of rands for a wearing apparel or adjust that will probably but be worn once."[30]

Zambia [edit]

In Zambia, individual schools have a "leavers' trip the light fantastic/dinner" that is planned out by the grade xi class and takes place on the Saturday afterwards the Fri of their graduation ceremony. The dance is planned for the grade 12 class besides as the upper sixth form grade and is normally washed the 1st Friday afterwards both of the classes are washed writing their A-Level and IGCSE examinations. The dinner begins at seven pm and the form 11 course pose as the servers also as the entertainment throughout the duration of the dinner. The dinner ends at midnight and is followed by the "later on-political party" which is celebrated at another venue (unremarkably a gild) with no parents and no teachers. Costs for renting out the venue are covered past selling tickets to outsiders and the party is unremarkably planned by the graduating classes themselves.

Asia [edit]

Hong Kong [edit]

In Hong Kong, prom culture is inherited from the western countries and is mostly called a ball, such as Christmas Ball. This commonly takes place during Christmas and summer break. This is more popular in the secondary education phase rather than in universities. Schools, excluding international schools, holding proms are usually single-sexual practice schools where normally the student unions in the schools volition cooperate with each other in organizing the event. In recent years, more and more individual unions got united and formed dissimilar student unions associations so as to organize large-calibration events including large joint-school proms. Except for those proms inside the academic field, there are also developed proms for clemency yearly where celebrities and government officers always go to these functions.

S and Central Asia [edit]

In India, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, the equivalent to some extent is a farewell party or farewell gathering. The outgoing students are given a warm send-off past the junior students and staff. All the seniors are felicitated with souvenirs and superlatives are given awards. There are also a couple of dances due to the influence of American civilization and movies in India.

In Islamic republic of pakistan, there is a prom or goodbye role that takes place at the end of the college academic year. Students dress in formal attire. The event ends with a photography session with the graduating batch.

In Transitional islamic state of afghanistan, there is a lunch party organized by the graduating students and chosen "graduation political party." This is mostly seen in the university level graduation later on the 16th class with a bachelor's caste, this solar day all the academy seniors, faculty members, and professors are invited equally honors. In that location is no mingling of males and females due to strict adherence to the Islamic codes.

In Bangladesh, an effect called 'Rag Day' is held at the cease of tenth course and 12th course. There the schoolhouse dominance decorates the school and make musical arrangements. The students have celebratory preparations like making a uniform T-shirt (generally white) to commemorate the twenty-four hour period. The juniors of the schoolhouse also spend coin, help organize the party and requite farewell to the seniors. At the cease of the political party, graduating students play with powdered colors and signs on each others t-shirt to mark all the friendships they made in their school life.

Southwest asia [edit]

In Israel, high school graduation parties usually combine a play and a humble anniversary, followed by a dance party. In the past years, influenced by American culture, more and more than graduates decide to concord a individual graduation party like to the American prom, with dress code, prom dates, limousines, and prom kings or queens, although usually not supported by the school.

In Lebanese republic, proms are held after the graduation anniversary at night. They are usually held at hotels with a formal apparel code, prom dates, rented cars, and, occasionally, prom kings and queens. The interaction betwixt males and females is not limited.

In Turkey, the equivalent is called Graduation Ball. The type of event and the rules practical are created by the pupil governments and schoolhouse boards. It is a graduation tradition for seniors.

Southeast Asia [edit]

In the Philippines, proms are popular in loftier schools. Prom usually takes identify in the junior and senior years of high school, normally around February or March. Proms are ordinarily known equally JS prom, or, junior-senior prom. Conversely, if a high school has dissever dances for juniors and seniors, the term "prom" is reserved for the juniors, and the dance for the seniors is called a "graduation ball" (frequently abbreviated equally "grad ball" or only "brawl".) The associated pupil body generally organizes the upshot. Usually, a prom king and queen are chosen. The ground for the king and queen judgment is the beauty and the fashion of the nominee, not the popularity.

In Singapore, proms are held at the nigh end of a senior year for secondary schools or third institutions. Proms are unremarkably held after the final examinations of all senior students earlier graduating.

In Vietnam, the equivalent to the prom is called liên hoan cuối năm. Some schools hold their liên hoan cuối năm at restaurants, merely the majority of schools prefer simple "tea parties" with snacks and soft drinks inside their classrooms. Unlike in other countries, students don't dress up in dresses or tuxedos; they simply wear schoolhouse compatible to the tea parties.

Europe [edit]

Republic of albania [edit]

In Albania, "mbrëmja e maturës", as graduation dark, is the outcome held at the end of the senior year. Every school organizes information technology independently and the event usually takes place in June or July. Ceremonially, it is very like to prom nights in the United States.[ citation needed ]

Benelux [edit]

In Belgium, every bit well as in some parts of kingdom of the netherlands, senior students celebrate their last 100 days of loftier school with a special 24-hour interval called Chrysostomos or 100-dagen feest ("100-days party"). Tradition states that on this winter day, seniors are immune to pull pranks on their teachers and fellow students. Some schools handle a theme equally dresscode, while others go for the traditional outfit: blue jeans, a black cotton fiber jacket, a black chapeau (with a red or blueish ribbon), and a whistle around the neck. Some even paint their faces and some seniors also carry a spray tin can (shaving cream or other fluids) to "attack" the non-seniors with. A noisy march through town is likewise part of the gig. Subsequently during the twenty-four hour period, students perform an act at school, usually a silly show involving schoolhouse or a parody. In the evening, students head to a rented club to party. This involves dancing, singing, and plenty of beer to go a taste of fraternity life. Sometimes even teachers join the political party to show that they too have a wild side. In the Netherlands, households where a kid who has passed their high school exams often hang the student'due south backpack on a flagpole which is attached to the forepart of the house.

Bulgaria [edit]

In Bulgaria, the ball is chosen abiturientski bal and is held at the terminate of 12th grade, when y'all are aged 18/xix. Preparations for the ball begin at the end of the 11th grade, considering students are supposed to organize the whole event. It is historic in May, mainly on the 23rd, 24th, or 25th, after finishing exams. Students can bring a date to the issue which is usually held in a eating place or a club. Usually, before the main event at that place is a large gathering in front of the high school's building, where graduates count to 12 (equally in 12 grades) and take photos with each other before going to the restaurant chosen izprashtane ("farewell transport off"). At the main consequence in the restaurant/hotel, there is music, usually popular and retro. Students are free to dance with whomever they want, even if they accept come with a appointment. The schoolhouse managing director and the 12th-grade teachers are also sometimes invited. In that location is usually an afterparty at a trip the light fantastic gild. Some people even organize a 2nd afterparty. Later the prom night, students normally become on an excursion together for 3 to v days. The popular destinations are the Black Sea coast and Turkey. The outcome is frequently associated with excess in drinking, drugs, sex, and lavish nouveau-riche style of dressing and parading (there are families that would spend every bit much every bit a year's salary on their son or daughter' due south dark). The media regularly criticize it, deploring the decadence of morals.

Czech Republic [edit]

In the Czech republic, the terminal twelvemonth in Gymnasium is celebrated with maturitní ples ("graduation ball"). This brawl takes identify earlier exams are taken, commonly in January or Feb, the traditional season for balls during the Fasching (due east.g., List of balls in Vienna). Normally, assurance are formal but mod elements are included, too. The students invite their parents, other relatives, and friends to come to the ball with them. The assurance usually have a theme and the classes perform choreographed dance routines at the beginning or during the evening. The students also receive a ribbon. It'southward mutual that various artists are invited to perform at the brawl, ranging from fireshow performers to famous celebrities. At midnight, the classes perform a "midnight surprise operation" – typically some sort of funny act. Sometimes several schools organize a articulation event. The income is often used to finance a collective voyage of the students after the exams.

Former Yugoslavia [edit]

In Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, and N Republic of macedonia, matursko veče (maturalna večer and maturska večer), as graduation night, is the upshot held at the end of the senior year. It is like to prom nighttime in the United States. In Republic of croatia, it is sometimes held in January or February.

Kingdom of denmark [edit]

In Denmark, the prom is called galla and takes place before the exams brainstorm. The word galla refers to the wearing apparel code which is dresses for the women and suits for the men. The prom in Kingdom of denmark is well known for keeping the traditional dance Les Lanciers, where the tertiary graders of high school (the seniors) get-go the whole dance, and so the 1st and second graders join afterwards on (the high school, chosen "gymnasium" in Kingdom of denmark, is three years).

Estonia [edit]

In Republic of estonia, the equivalent of the prom is oft called Saja päeva ball. The issue takes identify 100 days prior to graduation and peradventure organized with several schools altogether. Students tin can trip the light fantastic toe but other events may be involved, too, besides ballroom dancing. The clothes are much the aforementioned kind as in the proms of other countries.

Finland [edit]

In Finland, the equivalent of the prom is called vanhojen tanssit (senior ball). The effect is held in February when third-twelvemonth high schoolhouse students (the abi) terminate regular classes in order to prepare for their concluding abitur exams, and the second twelvemonth students get the oldest in the school. For the remainder of the schoolhouse twelvemonth, the second-year students are called vanhat ("the old", or " the seniors").

For the ball, the second-yr students acquire 10–xv formal dances, by and large old ballroom dances such as the mazurka or a polonaise. Lately, some schools have begun to allow students to perform their own choreographies with their called music, after or in betwixt the old ballroom dances.

In the by, the style was to dress in Victorian gowns and in an onetime-fashioned way, only these days the attire is similar to U.Due south. proms. Unremarkably, girls vesture a long princess gown or a brawl gown and the boys habiliment a blackness suit. Later the ball, the students sometimes attend a dinner in the evening, which is sometimes in a very formal eating house. Sometimes students throw a party in the evening to celebrate further.

France [edit]

Couple of students in Paris, 2013.

In French republic, high school students have only recently experienced prom. On June 27, 2013, more than 300 students in Paris, France held a prom.[31] [32] Consequence planning company White-Tie-Affair partnered upwards with multiple local companies to host the "Solidarity Prom Ball" charity gala. Food, drinks, venue, limousine,[33] besides equally souvenir bags were sponsored by the unlike companies and provided for the students for free. On height of that, famous French music groups Psy4 de la Rime and Excuse Montana were the guest performance of the evening. All gain from the students' entrance fee were donated to Donnons Leur Une Chance, a French non-profit organization[34] that will aid realize educational projects.

Germany and Austria [edit]

In Germany (and Austria), students gloat their graduation from loftier school, or Gymnasium, with an Abifeier (from the graduation certificate or Abitur) or Maturaball (in Austria, the graduation exam is called Matura). In Germany, the events are informal and usually contain a series of educatee-organized activities that tend to make fun of teachers, sometimes with an extended hagiography about the favorite instructor. In Austria, the Maturaball is formal and can be seen equally a synergy of proms and cotillions and often are highlights of the regional ball season (between November and the stop of Carnival) referencing the glamour of the great ball tradition of the former Austrian-Hungarian monarchy. More than like the prom is the High german Abiball, that follows the official graduation ceremony. Hither the students usually wear suits and brawl gowns. The Abiball often follows a certain lodge with a welcome, introductions, an award anniversary for students, and sometimes an extended demonstration of all of the creative outpourings of the students and staff. This is followed by a band (sometimes the school's own band, if in that location is any) or a DJ playing music, usually starting with a waltz before moving on to other dancing. Booze is bachelor at these events since the legal drinking age in Germany is xvi (for beer and wine), and well-nigh graduating students are 18 or older.

Hungary [edit]

In Hungary, students receive a ribbon to marking the beginning of the preparation for their graduation. Students receive this ribbon at a ball called "szalagavató", meaning the "inauguration of ribbons". Many of the students wearable this ribbon on their jackets or shirts until graduation. This prom-like evening dance is traditionally held in the brawl season of January–February, only Nov-December has gained popularity in recent years as well. At the beginning of the ball, afterward a short voice communication by the headteacher, each student gets the ribbon from their course teacher who pins it on their jacket or apparel. Then a serial of choreographed dances brainstorm, which the students learned during the months leading up to the event. The first one is traditionally a dance chosen "palotás" (palace trip the light fantastic) performed past students from dissimilar classes, so each graduating class performs their ain class dance, and finally, there's a waltz, which is too performed by students from dissimilar classes. Occasionally, the teachers of the school perform a dance as well. After the ball of the evening organized by the school, students usually become out at night to potable to bars and discos, fifty-fifty if some of them are beneath the drinking age (xviii in Republic of hungary).

After they graduate, each form has its ain party (without choreographed dances) usually at a restaurant, where their teachers are also invited. This is chosen érettségi bankett (graduation feast).

Ireland [edit]

In the Republic of Republic of ireland, a school leavers' dance is called a "Debs" or "Grads". In girls schools, it is commonly referred to equally a Debs (short for "Debutante ball"), and in boys and coeducational schools, information technology may be referred to equally a Grads or Grad (curt for graduation). It is typically a formal dance for students who are graduating from secondary school (high school) in Ireland and is traditionally held between September and October. Alcohol is nearly always served at these events, with a repast too existence common.[35] [36]

Lithuania [edit]

In Lithuania, the prom is held after final exams, usually the same day when high schoolhouse diplomas are presented. The outcome is called išleistuvės.

Kingdom of norway [edit]

In Norway, this effect varies from schoolhouse to schoolhouse. It is usually held during the winter months, and is oft called "Nyttårsball" which ways "the new years ball." The students are not allowed to bring people from outside the school. In Kingdom of norway, it is the norm to take proms for eighth, ninth, and tenth graders at Norwegian eye school, and most of the time, there is no division betwixt formal and grad – students tin attend in whatever clothing they choose, such equally traditional knee-long dresses.

Poland [edit]

The Polish equivalent of the prom (studniówka) is a very popular event held each year throughout the land; the word itself means "of or relating to 100 days". Near schools organize such an event about 100 days earlier the (matura) examination session. The starting time trip the light fantastic of the prom is the traditional Polish polonaise. In the past, the dress code for the studniówka was the aforementioned every bit for concluding exams, i.eastward. a white blouse or shirt with a dark skirt or trousers. As opposed to the studniówka, formal attire is required for the and so-called Grand Ball ("bal maturalny"), held after graduation. Nowadays, as Grand Assurance are rare, the studniówka has adopted a formal dress lawmaking.

Portugal [edit]

In Portugal, in that location was no prom tradition. Still, during the last few years schools take adopted such a celebration. Ordinarily, they happen before the end of the school year, in May or June, and are chosen "Baile de Finalistas" (Finalist's Ball). The students wear formal suits and dresses. Information technology is usually organized by a pupil association, elected at the beginning of the schoolhouse yr by the students to organize school events.

Although it happens in the majority of the country, on Madeira Island the tradition is a flake dissimilar. Instead of having the prom at the end of the year, the seniors accept a anniversary called "Benção das Capas" (Cape's Blessing), where they all use suits, including the girls, and a greatcoat that is blessed past the urban center'due south cardinal. Afterward, the students have dinner with their friends and family and and so get to the prom. However, this prom isn't formal, it ends upwards beingness similar to a society but in a different location, although sometimes it may happen at a club. Such a location is chosen past the student clan. This ceremony ends upwardly being very like to one that the Portuguese students take when they cease college. The students only have a date to attend the first ceremony and they tend to go to the prom as groups.

Romania [edit]

In Romania, distinct proms are held each yr in high schools and higher for both the graduating students equally well as the newly enrolled ones. They are chosen graduation balls and freshmen ("boboci", significant "hatchlings" in Romanian) balls, respectively. They are usually not black necktie (informal). The venue is chosen by the didactics staff and can be any place, including the school gym or auditorium, a club, or a restaurant. It is mutual to accuse students an admission revenue enhancement in order to offset the cost. One or more bands or singers are commonly hired to provide entertainment. Often the issue is sponsored by local businesses. Access is usually controlled and limited to students of that particular high school or university, only exceptions can be made for relatives and it is not uncommon for students from other institutions to try to crash a particular prom. Freshmen proms usually include a popularity contest of some sort, which designates 3 girls and three boys equally places I, II and III "nigh popular" as called by student vote; the candidates have to undergo various entertaining challenges, which commonly include pair dancing. Generally speaking, freshmen proms are the more popular, with college freshmen proms often being publicized equally club events and promoted by radio stations, who take the opportunity to introduce bands and singers. Whereas graduation proms are more than subdued and oftentimes not a public or even a schoolhouse-wide event, many graduating classes choosing to restrict attendance just to the actual graduates and their teachers.

Belarus and Russia [edit]

Students at a prom in Moscow, Russian federation.

In Belarus and Russian federation proms are called "Vypusknоi vechеr" (Выпускной вечер), which literally means "graduation evening". They have place from the 18th to the 20th or the 23rd to the 25th of June, after the state exams are completed. Proms are never held on the 21st/22nd because they took place on June 21 in 1941, just on the 22nd all graduates were drafted to fight the German invasion during World War II. Get-go, all graduates receive their diplomas. Students with higher marks receive them first. Subsequently, the prom continues every bit a schoolhouse ball, traditionally with classic dances. Students may choose restaurants, cafes, or ships rather than school grounds to hold the events. Proms may be held in a discothèque, but it must start with the school waltz. At the determination of the prom evening, information technology is tradition to walk the whole night and spotter the sunrise in the morning time (on a loma, if applicable, in Moscow – Sparrow Hills).

Slovakia [edit]

In Slovakia, the closest thing to prom is Stužková, an occasion when the seniors assemble with their parents, partners and teachers to celebrate their upcoming graduation. It takes place in Nov or December. Each of the students receives a light-green ribbon with their name on information technology (thus the name Stužková, the "Ribbon Ball"). The main and the form teacher are given large green ribbons as well. Many of the students article of clothing this ribbon on their jackets or shirts until graduation. Stužková typically includes a feast, skits and songs prepared by students, as well as dancing. Men wear formal suits and women formal dresses. 1 calendar week before Stužková is a ceremony of Pečatenie triednej knihy (Sealing of the grades volume) so that teachers volition not be able to give tests or exercise examinations of the students until Stužková. It is connected with some story and recorded on photographic camera and then used every bit a part of the video of Stužková. It usually starts at 6 p.m. and ends in the early on hours of the next morning (4a.m.).

Slovenia [edit]

In Slovenia, the equivalent is Maturantski ples. It is held before the final exams betwixt January and May, depending on the region and school. Students tin bring dates and/or close family to the brawl. Information technology is a custom that each student dances the concluding dance of the first sequence, a Vienna Walzer, with his mother/her father. There is also a dinner and live music.

Spain [edit]

In some places in Spain, proms are also celebrated as after-school parties. These parties are commonly called "fiestas de graduación", which can be translated as "graduation parties".

Sweden [edit]

In Sweden, this kind of event is usually known equally "Studentbalen". The word "Studentbalen" is a proper name pregnant "The Student Ball," while the word studentbal is a common substantive that can refer to whatever formal dinner and dance at a Swedish university. Studentbalen is unremarkably held during the terminal weeks before graduating and tin be formal.

Switzerland [edit]

The Swiss equivalent of a prom is the bal de printemps.[37] Literally translated, this is a "Jump Brawl." At some schools in the German-speaking cantons, it is called "Maturaball." This is not always organized by the schools, but sometimes by a pupil'southward commission. It takes the almost part before the terminal exams.

Ukraine [edit]

In Ukraine, prom is chosen "Vypusknyi vechir" or simply "vypusknyi" (Випускний вечір or simply Випускний), which literally ways "graduation evening". The date is defined by a school,;[38] [39] usually any date from late May to mid-June. Ordinarily, "vypusknyi" consists of ii parts. The starting time 1 called "urochysta chastyna" (урочиста частина, that ways "solemn part"), during which graduates receive their diplomas and certificates of honor for exceptional achievements during studying. The first part is conducted in the outset office of the solar day, while the 2nd part commonly starts in the evening. The time between the 2 parts is used to walk around a city and take some pictures. The 2nd part, "ne ofitsiyna chastyna" (не офіційна частина, that ways "informal part"), starts as a school brawl, simply subsequently a round of waltz, it transforms into a conventional party. The venue of the second part is determined past graduates and their parents; usually, it takes identify in school, cafe, restaurant, on a boat or at the country. Traditionally, the second part is attended by graduates, their parents, and teachers. However, schoolhouse teachers and parents don't mix with graduates. The 2d part ends with sunrise. Usually, each urban center has one or a few locations that are the most pop for watching a sunrise. That is why schools try not to have proms on the aforementioned appointment.

Oceania [edit]

In Australia and New Zealand, the tradition is similar to schools in the U.s.. However, if the event is not described to the final year, it may exist described as a Ball, School Formal, or only Formal. If the upshot is in the terminal year of high school, information technology is sometimes called a Dinner-dance, Leavers' Dinner or Debutante Ball but is likewise usually called a School Formal or "Formal." In Australia, some schools may also have a Valedictory Dinner, which is like the formal just has students, parents, and teachers instead of students and dates.

As the name suggests, attire for the occasion is generally formal.[40] Boys will unremarkably dress in a suit and tie. Girls traditionally wear formal gowns or dresses. In most cases a school formal is held at a local reception center or ballroom. A multicourse meal is generally provided. Afterward the meal students generally trip the light fantastic toe to popular music played by a hired DJ or sometimes a band. Many students group together to go to the formal in a limousine. While parents exercise not attend a formal, teachers may human activity every bit chaperones for the formal and security guards are sometimes hired. The use of chaperones is intended to prevent the occurrence of violence and booze or drug use. Generally, subsequently a formal, one or more after-parties are held.

In addition to the loftier school graduation "formal" that marks the finish of Year 12, there is also an event that is sometimes held to gloat completing the Schoolhouse Certificate at the end of Twelvemonth 10 (or Yr 11 in New Zealand), and always held after receiving Higher Schoolhouse Certificate at the end of Twelvemonth 12 and includes a dinner and trip the light fantastic. The NSW Government announced the abolition of the School Certificate after 2011, with students in year x that year being the concluding cohort to sit the external examinations and receive the qualification. Subsequent Yr 10 "Formals" have been deemed "unnecessary" due to the fact that the majority of Twelvemonth 10 students at present progress to Year 11. In previous years when 25–30% of students left high school in Yr 10, the Formal was seen equally a celebration for those parting, however, Year x Formals are nevertheless sometimes celebrated in the proper noun of tradition. In year 11, students occasionally organize a "semi-formal" or "social" at the end of the schoolhouse year, which is a more casual version of a formal. If a school has a sister schoolhouse the social is typically organized in conjunction with them, as a "social event" for people to mingle and meet new people. The Valedictory Dinner (or Val every bit it is colloquially called) is an event that only occurs in Year 12. In New Zealand, nearly country school assurance are held in the winter months, between June and August, while in Commonwealth of australia, a "formal" is held at the end of the year to mark the finish of schooling, as is the Valedictory Dinner.

In American Samoa, the typical Junior/Senior prom is held in most of the schools, an exception would be one of the private schools, which lets even 8th graders, freshmen, and sophomores participate in prom.

Mexico [edit]

In Mexico, most loftier schools and inferior high (middle) schools have proms only for the graduating form (seniors), which is sometimes, depending on whether the school is individual or public, preceded by a church building service. The students dress in formal habiliment and may attend in couples. Some colleges have an later on-graduation dinner dance.

The formals, or as called in Mexico galas or graduaciones, are commonly held in the school's gymnasium or in the schoolyard if the schoolhouse is located in a low-income neighbourhood; normally, though, public schools located in high- or medium-income neighbourhoods and individual schools rent a ballroom, usually in a hotel, and students and parents may scrap in to embrace the costs of the party.

A multicourse meal is oftentimes offered in individual schools' proms; antojitos may be offered in depression-budget proms instead.

Central America, Southward America and the Caribbean [edit]

Venezuelans too have a prom, usually referred to as "graduación" or "fiesta de graduación." It can consist of dancing, dinner, and live music.

In Argentina, in that location are "fiestas de egresados" for students finishing their final year of loftier school. These consist of big parties hosted by the senior students in local discos or other venues, starting at 10 thousand. until well-nigh 5 or vi in the forenoon. They have dinner with parents and other members of the family unit, which may be at another venue such equally the school, and on a different night altogether. Subsequently midnight friends and other guests bring together the dance. The parties start in late September later on most students come dorsum from their senior trip, usually to Bariloche, and last until early December, after the graduation. The students may dress formally or casually, and the seniors may wear themed costumes.

In Brazil, bailes de formatura are usual at the end of high schoolhouse and at college graduation. In that location is no crowning of a "king" or a "queen," but evening gowns and suits are required. The family unit may or may not be included, and there may exist a live band or DJ hired to command the music.

In Republic of chile, proms, or "fiestas de graduación" (graduation parties), are usually held at convention centers or hotels after the "licenciatura," or graduation from loftier school. They tin can too be held later on taking the PSU (Chilean University Entrance Exam) in Dec. Students are expected to apparel formally. They are allowed to get with dates or friends. Later the dinner, the dance continues through the night into the next day.

In Republic of colombia, many individual schools ordinarily accept prom balls too, usually consisting of a dinner, dancing, alive music, and contests. They are usually held at hotels or clubs.

In Costa Rica, like many other American countries, the "Baile de graduación" is celebrated afterward finishing loftier school, where form 11 is likewise the last year. It usually takes place before graduation to celebrate the end of school. It's normally held in hotels or saloons with a trip the light fantastic toe flooring, music and dinner. It starts with the students walking through the dance floor and dancing a flit. The dinner comes after, and the rest of the night consists of dancing and celebration.

In Honduras, they are called "Cena de Graduacion", they are held in luxury hotels, also familiars of the graduating students are invited. This event is held but for private schools, the human action consists on formal graduation and delivery of their diplomas, after that, a dinner is held between the graduating students and their familiars or friends in the same room which later on volition become in a dance floor for everyone.

In Peru, proms—"Fiestas de Promoción"—are unremarkably held at hotels, convention centers, or big residences. The apparel code is formal. Some parents and teachers are often invited, simply they don't stay the whole night. Dinner is served as well as alcoholic drinks and delicatessen. Breakfast is often served the side by side mean solar day, at around half dozen–7 am. There is a growing tradition to concord a pre-prom for the students in the class beneath the graduating course, and even a pre-pre-prom for the students in the grade beneath that.

In Trinidad and Tobago and most Caribbean countries, it is traditional for schools to concur a dance at the terminate of the CXC/GCE Advanced Level test menstruation. This is thrown simultaneously for fifth course and upper sixth grade students during the months of June or July afterward the schoolhouse's official graduation ceremony. It is colloquially referred to as grad or gradz. Most gradz are held in popular clubs, hotels, halls or just on the school'due south grounds. Most schools let students to bring dates, and a formal wearing apparel lawmaking is commonly in effect.

In Uruguay, graduation parties are usually held after graduation. These parties tin can be organized by the school or by the students themselves. Usually, a place is rented, and formal parties are held. Students are immune to take one guest, as a friend or as a partner.

Homeschool proms [edit]

The concept of extending prom to homeschool students has been realized in recent years. Although some school districts in the United States and Canada allow homeschool students to nourish the prom in the school district where they reside, many homeschool groups also organize their ain proms. Some states, such as Oregon,[41] Ohio, Georgia, Tennessee, and Michigan, too host statewide homeschool proms, which any homeschool educatee in that land is welcome to attend.

Proms that are specifically geared toward homeschool students can sometimes exist significantly unlike from traditional loftier school proms. It is not uncommon for a homeschool student to attend a homeschool prom solo, rather than taking a date. Often the music played is called by the parents rather than the students.

Adult proms [edit]

An adult prom is a social result that is almost perfectly similar to a loftier school prom in terms of themes and attire, except that some adult proms as well serve alcoholic beverages, and therefore virtually adult proms (at least in the U.South.) require those attending to be at to the lowest degree 21 years of age. The origin of adult prom is unclear, though Drew Barrymore is often credited with inadvertently inventing the concept in the 1990s, when she stated in an interview on Late Dark with Conan O'Brien that she threw a prom party for herself and a few friends who never got to go to prom.[42]

A form of adult prom is the "2nd chance prom". It is a big gathering of people who either did not go to prom, wanted to relive prom, or whose high school prom did non work out the manner they had hoped.

In the novel Nobody's Holding, character Mallorie Walcott, an event planner, mentions that she helped put her younger girl Cassandra through college, in function, from the revenue she made from planning adult proms in the 1990s either for people who missed their actual high school proms in the 1970s and 1980s or just wanted to re-live their prom nighttime.

A slightly different take on the adult prom is that of the disabilities prom, dedicated to providing a prom experience to disabled adults at no accuse to the attendees. These events are most often organized past non-profit organizations focusing on the disabled, or big churches.[43]

In 2010, Theatrical producers in New York produced an audience participation theatrical play, gear up in an actual dance hall, chosen The Awesome 80s Prom,[44] where attendees were at a prom and got to vote on the male monarch and queen from the cast of characters.

Anti-proms and alternative proms [edit]

Anti-proms tin exist private, unofficial proms that are privately created, outside the control of the school, usually by people who disagree with their school'southward prom policies. Some schools likewise include the anti-prom as an official effect called MORP (Prom spelled backwards). MORP dances tin can be similar to a Sadie Hawkins dance where the girls enquire a male child on a date, they tin have breezy attire, and the decor can be dark or less elegant.

Proms for gay and lesbian people who did not attend their proms with a engagement of the same sex are popular in some cities.[45] These proms may also enable trans people who experienced prom before transitioning a risk to nourish as the right gender. A 1980 courtroom decision, Fricke v. Lynch, required a public schoolhouse in Rhode Isle to allow same-sex dates, merely discrimination against gay students continued for decades across the land.

Controversies [edit]

Proms accept been the source of many controversies, many of which involve LGBT students.

  • According to Jackie Blount, during the McCarthy era "schools became implemented curricula intended to keep youth sexually straight. In effect, schools became fundamentally important agencies in the nationwide campaign to fight homosexuality." This mental attitude further promoted heteronormative practices such as naming a prom king and prom queen, requiring strict gender conformity in dress, etc.[46]
  • In 2002, gay teenager Marc Hall was prohibited from taking his male date to his loftier school's trip the light fantastic toe; Hall sued the school lath and won.[47]
  • In 2009, Tyler Frost was suspended for attention his girlfriend's prom, because his Christian high school disallowed dancing.[48] Although the principal at Frost's school signed a paper allowing Frost to attend the prom, he said Frost would be suspended if he went, just Frost did so anyway.
  • In a 2010 Itawamba County Schoolhouse District prom controversy, lesbian high school senior Constance McMillen requested to take her girlfriend to the prom at Itawamba Agricultural High School in Fulton, Mississippi, where they were both students. The principal denied her request and prohibited her from wearing a tuxedo. When McMillen challenged the schoolhouse's policy, the prom was canceled, leading McMillen to sue the school.[49] Following a courtroom decision forcing the school to concord the prom, local parents organized a second prom in secret, leaving Constance, her girlfriend and only 5 other students at the official prom.[50]
  • In 2014, student Katie Bialy from Holy Cross Catholic Secondary Schoolhouse, St. Catharines, Ontario, with the genetic condition Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS) was not allowed to go to prom by her school master Denice Robertson because her grades were non equally skilful equally required and she could non graduate.[51] Her condition had dumb her power to do schoolwork and she asked the principal if she could go as a invitee, only the main refused her the selection. This incident has resulted in public support for Bialy in social media and also increased awareness of her condition.

In popular culture [edit]

In movies [edit]

Year Title
1943 All-time Foot Forward
1948 A Date with Judy
1976 Carrie
1978 Grease
1979 Going Steady
1980 Prom Dark
1983 Valley Girl
1984 Footloose
1985 Back to the Futurity
1985 Teen Wolf
1986 Pretty in Pink
1987 Crazy Dearest
1988 Trip the light fantastic toe 'til Dawn
1990 Book of Beloved
1993 My Boyfriend'southward Back
1999 ten Things I Hate Virtually You
American Pie
Drive Me Crazy
Never Been Kissed
She'south All That
2002 Carrie
2004 Mean Girls
2005 Sky High
2008 Bart Got a Room
Prom Night
High Schoolhouse Musical 3: Senior Yr
Prom Wars
2009 Miss March
Cabin Fever two: Jump Fever
Princess Protection Program
2011 Prom
Teen Spirit
2012 21 Jump Street
2013 Carrie
2015 Goosebumps
2017 Spider-Man: Homecoming
2018 The Kissing Booth
2020 The Prom
2021 To All the Boys: Always and Forever

On documentary films [edit]

Year Title
2006 The World's Best Prom
2008 American Teen
2009 Prom Nighttime in Mississippi

On television [edit]

Year Episode TV series
1990 "The Prom" Saved by the Bong
"Prom-ise Her Annihilation" Tiny Toon Adventures
1993 "A Night to Recall" Beverly Hills, 90210
"Promises Promises" Roseanne
1995 "Angels on the Air" Touched by an Angel
1996 "The One with the Prom Video" Friends
1997 "Prophecy Girl" Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1998 "Fools Blitz Out" Party of V
"Prom-ises, Prom-ises" Male child Meets World
1999 "The Prom" Buffy the Vampire Slayer
"Prom Dark" That '70s Testify
2001 "Promicide" Dawson's Creek
"Full Circle" Queer as Folk
"Center of Mine" Roswell
2006 "Best Prom Ever" How I Met Your Mother
"Morp" Malcolm in the Middle
"The Party Favor" The O.C.
"Look Who'due south Stalking" Veronica Mars
2007 "Prom Night at Hater High" One Tree Hill
2008 "Chasing Zoey" Zoey 101
"We Built This Metropolis" Degrassi: The Next Generation
"I've Had the Time of My Life" Kyle XY
2009 "Valley Girls" Gossip Girl
2010 "The Prom Before the Tempest" 90210
"Prom Wrecker" Victorious
2011 "Prom Queen" Glee
"Large Time Prom Kings" Big Fourth dimension Blitz
2012 "Prom-asaurus" Glee
2013 "Tina in the Sky with Diamonds"
2014 "Girl on the Cliff" Switched at Nascence
"The Prom Equivalency" The Big Blindside Theory
"Prom" Bad Education
2015 "Last Dance" Pretty Lilliputian Liars
"Blood Moon Ball" Star vs. the Forces of Evil
2016 "For This evening We Might Dice" Form
2017 "Record 3, Side A" 13 Reasons Why
MTV TV Series Promposal
"Doomsday" Runaways
2019 "And Salt the Earth Backside You" Euphoria
2020 "Nadia and Omar" Aristocracy
"Prom" xiii Reasons Why
"Enchanting Grom Fright" The Owl Firm
2021 "One of Us Is Dancing!" 1 of Usa Is Lying

Music [edit]

Twelvemonth Song Artist
1958 "A Date With Jerry" Wanda Jackson
1990 "Promnight in Pigtown" John Gorka
2000 "Teenage Dirtbag" Wheatus
2008 "A Dark to Remember" High School Musical 3: Senior Year
2009 "Patently Jane" B.J. Thomas
"You Vest with Me" Taylor Swift
2013 "Here's to Never Growing Upward" Avril Lavigne
2014 "Break the Rules" Charli XCX
2015 "Marvin Gaye" Charlie Puth featuring Meghan Trainor
2017 "Moving On" Marshmello
2018 "Back to Yous" Selena Gomez
"Pressure" Muse
"The Rapture Ball" Poppy
2019 "Prom Dress" mxmtoon
2020 "Revolving" Yung Bae featuring Marc Eastward. Bassy
2021 "The Feels" Twice

See also [edit]

  • Charitable prom organizations
  • Gala (festivity)
  • grinding (trip the light fantastic toe)
  • Homecoming

Further reading [edit]

  • Anderson, Ann (2012). High School Prom: Marketing, Morals and the American Teen. McFarland. ISBN9781476600079.
  • Mark, Mary Ellen, Prom, Getty Publications, Los Angeles, 2012. ISBN 978-1-60606-108-iv.

References [edit]

  1. ^ Zimmerman, Jonathan (2013-05-03). "Prom An Iconic American Tradition". Chicago Tribune . Retrieved 2013-05-20 .
  2. ^ "prom | Origin and meaning of prom by Online Etymology Dictionary". world wide . Retrieved 2020-05-07 .
  3. ^ Carlos, Amanda (2010-04-29). "Carlos Commentary: Pinnacle students enjoy a successful prom". Fontana Herald News . Retrieved 2010-05-05 .
  4. ^ "Hudson High Prom Court Nominations". Archived from the original on 2012-x-25. Retrieved 2012-09-eighteen .
  5. ^ "Nominations Should be Based Upon More than Popularity". Archived from the original on 2013-04-10. Retrieved 2013-02-25 .
  6. ^ "Archived re-create". Archived from the original on 2011-01-04. Retrieved 2013-05-xvi . {{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived re-create as title (link)
  7. ^ "Kissed Her on the Stairs". A Way With Words. December i, 2012.
  8. ^ Ann Anderson (2012). Loftier Schoolhouse Prom: Marketing, Morals and the American Teen. McFarland. pp. vii–10. ISBN9781476600079.
  9. ^ "Prom in the 1940s and 1950s - The Vintage Inn". 19 November 2014. Archived from the original on 25 November 2016. Retrieved 24 November 2016.
  10. ^ Anderson. Loftier School Prom: Marketing, Morals and the American Teen. pp. 100–114.
  11. ^ WePrankedYa (June vii, 2013). "HOW TO Ask A Daughter TO PROM WITH PIZZA". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-04-28.
  12. ^ Archived at Ghostarchive and the Wayback Machine: Brandon Wong (May 19, 2014). "Prom Asking Flash Mob!". YouTube.
  13. ^ Sung, Morgan (March 15, 2018). "10 times high schoolers had the nigh extra promposals". Mashable.
  14. ^ Sung, Morgan (March fifteen, 2018). "10 times loftier schoolers had the virtually actress promposals". Mashable.
  15. ^ Ossad, Jordana (May seven, 2017). "My Super Sweet 16 And Promposal Will Make Your Sundays Super Sugariness". MTV News.
  16. ^ Bonos, Lisa (Apr 30, 2018). "Are high school 'promposals' beautiful or too much? Here'southward a guide to the trend". Washington Post.
  17. ^ "District 155 Guidelines". 2010-05-21. Archived from the original on 2010-04-22. Retrieved 2010-05-28 .
  18. ^ Roxana Hegeman (2013-05-01). "Kansas school apologizes to Airman in prom dispute". Retrieved 2013-05-20 .
  19. ^ "DUI Prom Bus Driver Charged". Chicago Tribune. 2013-05-14. Retrieved 2013-05-20 .
  20. ^ "Prom Party Jitney for the Best Nighttime of Your Life with up to 30 of your friends!". High City Limo . Retrieved 2016-12-14 .
  21. ^ "Teen Who Invited Kate Upton to Prom Gets Best Consolation Prize E'er". 2013-05-23. Retrieved 2017-04-18 .
  22. ^ "Teen scores NFL star equally prom engagement on Twitter". Pull a fast one on News. 2012-05-13.
  23. ^ "Prom After Political party". Chicago Tribune. 2013-05-eighteen. Retrieved 2013-05-20 .
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  27. ^ Pyke, Nicholas; Bloomfield, Steve (2004-07-eleven). "The high school prom arrives in UK (via stretch limo, naturally)". The Contained. London. Archived from the original on Dec 27, 2008.
  28. ^ Williams, Sally (2012-08-10). "Fairytale ending: the rise of the British prom". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the original on 2022-01-12.
  29. ^ "The Prom without Boys - NYU Livewire". . Retrieved 18 November 2018.
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  34. ^ "Qui sommes nous?". Donnons leur une chance.
  35. ^ Healy, Tim (1998-09-12). "'Debs' ball' ruled un-Irish by licence judge". The Irish Independent . Retrieved 2018-12-17 .
  36. ^ Costello, Roisin; Clarkin, Sarah (Nov two, 2010). "Head to Head: Debs' Balls". Trinity News . Retrieved 20 July 2015.
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  40. ^ "21 Century Gentleman'south Guru Prom Suits and Tuxedos". Times Newspapers. 2017-05-30. p. B14. Retrieved 2020-07-12 . senior guys indulge themselves with prom suits
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  43. ^ See, for example, "Shine" Archived 2013-x-04 at the Wayback Machine, a prom of this type organized by Southeast Christian Church in Middletown, Kentucky.
  44. ^ "The Awesome 80s Prom New York : Broadway Tickets : Editorial Review". Archived from the original on 2010-01-16. Retrieved 2010-03-29 .
  45. ^ "Gays, lesbians recreate prom at weekend fete". NBC News. 2009-03-07. Retrieved 2010-03-29 .
  46. ^ Jackie Blount (2005). Fit to Teach: Aforementioned-Sex Desire, Gender, and School Work in the Twentieth Century . p. 81.
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  51. ^ Pom, Cindy. "'Information technology wasn't fair': Why an Ontario school isn't letting a sick girl go to prom". Global News.

External links [edit]


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